Invitation wording etiquette – The host line and request line of your wedding invitation
The set up a traditional wedding invitation is done very intentionally. The top section is the host section. This is for the person or persons who are hosting the wedding to joyfully invite the guests to the ceremony. What it all boils down to is – who is picking up the tab for the wedding? Traditionally this is the brides parents. These days it is common for the grooms parents to also help pay for the wedding. If multiple people are contributing or you do not want a novel on your invitation, you can also use “Together with their families” like the invitation below. If the bride and groom are paying for the wedding they should be the ones doing the inviting. It can be worded a lot of different ways depending on the situation. If you have a tricky situation feel free to ask me about it and I will let you know the “proper” way to word it.
The wording of the request line is also important. For example ” the honor ( or honour if you are British) of your presence” should ONLY be used for wedding ceremonies taking place in a house of worship. If you are getting married outside of a house of worship you have many other options. A popular option is “request the pleasure of your company”. I frequently use ” invite you to celebrate with them at the marriage of their daughter”.
Have any questions? Let me know!